Wednesday, September 24, 2008

As Promised

Some pictures I took at the Maryland Wine Festival last Saturday.

This is Jess as queen of the Wine Festival:

And here is Steve. I don't actually think I took this one. I was showing off my camera to the other digital art savvy kids in the party and I think they all took a few. I'm guessing TAG took this one.

Jay is watching the sky for airplanes. Don't worry, he's not crazy. There really was an airplane there.

And here is Christie, Queen of the Wine Festival Forest (hence the leaf earrings), leaning on her trusty forest sprite, TAG.

After a toilsome afternoon sampling the selections of wines from two dozen fine (or not) Maryland vineyards, everyone went home with several bottles of their favorites. Except Jay and I, who were too lazy to carry heavy bottles of wine around and so just drank ours there on the grassy knoll. Don't worry Mom and Dad, it was only two bottles and we shared with others. Doesn't that reassure you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


What's this? My first post in a month and it's not even a picture I took? Deal with it. These pictures are of my new niece, Lainie Elizabeth, sure to acheive greatness on the power of her middle name alone. Born Monday morning, September 22 to my sister-in-law, Joelle, and brother, Jeff at a healthy 8lbs 13oz.

Pictured here with her big sister, Zoe:

And here is the whole family:

Aren't they gorgeous? Sorry again that I couldn't be there, Jeff and Joelle.

And I have a couple of my own pictures in the queue that will be up in the next couple of days to restart this blog thing. Really. Promise. Cross my heart.