Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pantry - Apples

I'm afraid I over-processed these in photoshop, but it may be I've been staring at them for much too long. I'll have to take a fresh look tomorrow and re-evaluate.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pantry- Cinnamon Vodka

Another from the Pantry. Our friends, Jess and Steve, gave us a basket of goodies for the holidays, part of which was this homemade, cinnamon infused vodka. I don't like the yellow background now. I thought the skull and crossbones shot glass was funny, but maybe I should have just stuck with the flame shot glass to match with the "keep warm" idea. What do you think?

Also, this is yummy stuff, but we're not big straight liquor drinkers and we're having trouble figuring out what to mix this with. Any ideas?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inspiration, shame - call it what you will.

I found this guy's blog today and became ashamed of myself. He runs a photo studio and still manages to post up a great photo every day. "Occasionally," my ass (sorry Mom). So here's a picture of my favorite subjects, hard at work.

(Sorry to those of you who have seen this elsewhere, but hey, it's my photo, anyway.)

Monday, March 9, 2009


I know it's not real glamorous, but after a lot of consideration, I think I'd ideally like to be doing product photography as a profession. I'll always be able to pursue personal projects, but for the bill-paying, I think this is the most enjoyable and appropriate path for me. I'm not a people person. I like people and I get along with most, but I'm not very good at trying to direct people or work with people in a leadership role, which makes most people photography very difficult. I imagine I'll eventually become more confident in my abilities and be able to do other subjects, but right now, I just want to work with things. With that in mind, I've begun seeing what I can do with things around the house, starting with the pantry. I'm still experimenting and learning my flash, and all these were taken with it as the main light source.

I'm pleased with what I came out with. I plan on working more on my Photoshop skills, as well, so I can get work retouching photos. Again, not glamorous, but I'm just not a glam kind of gal.