Monday, January 19, 2009

Gallery of Zoe F.

My niece, Zoe is adorable (She is Jeff and you know it). She is also fond of getting her picture taken. I got a few pics while I was home over the holidays that I can't help sharing.

Deceptively Sweet...

Can you spot the mischievous twinkle in that eye?

She is also a goofball.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Forbes Family Christmas

So, I didn't do as much as I thought I might while I was home for Christmas, and then there was the New Year and last week I thought it'd be a good idea to rear end someone so the insurance company could total my car and I could go through the exhilarating experience of buying a new car as quickly as I'm able (which ends up not being very quick. It turns out I don't have much of an opinion on cars. I just want something that goes when I want it to and won't cost me too much money). Thus, rather belatedly, here a few of my better photos from Christmas.

This is my cousin Amy with my new darling niece Lainie:
Here's another cousin of mine, Brian, and his daughter, Nicole. Nicole is one of the eldest of her generation of the family and I am the youngest of mine. Now that she is in high school I have to resist the urge to say things such as "Golly, you've grown up! I remember when you were this big..." and I begin to feel the first twinges of fright at the passage of time.

Here is Joelle and Lainie again looking drowsy in her candy PJs: And the matriarch of the family, my Grandmother Pauline Forbes. Doesn't she look lovely? I still don't have a car, but I have a long weekend, so I hope to have some other pics to post soon. I plan on an entry full of Zoe pictures because she and the camera are good friends.

Just for fun, here is a picture of my car: